Thursday, January 19, 2017

Seats Open in GVPT355

GVPT355: Capstone in International Conflict Management has a new section that is open to GVPT majors. You are receiving this email because you are eligible to request a seat in the course. Please note that there are TEN seats available for GVPT majors who are not also part of the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management program. Permission to register for seats will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. 

GVPT355 will examine international conflict management by addressing key themes, including how conflicts are analyzed and understood, security and development assistance, conflict termination through political transition, conflict termination through negotiation, the role of the press, the role of intergovernmental organizations, and the interagency process in the U.S. For each theme, one or more case studies will be reviewed through readings and lectures.

Assignments will be hands-on and policy focused, with students having opportunities to be “experts” and “policy makers” at different times, providing or challenging advice related to one or more of the key themes and case studies.

This course has a unique focus on international diplomacy, negotiations, and operations related to conflict processes and post-conflict transitions. The instructor, Jarret Blanc, served at the State Department from 2009-2017 and has first-hand experience as a high-placed official in the US Government and at the UN.

If you would like to request a seat in this course, please contact Jillian Santos at Once again, there are ten available seats that will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. GVPT students pursuing the International Relations concentration are particularly encouraged to consider this course. Please let us know if you have any questions. 

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