There are several ways to earn academic credit for an internship. The GVPT department offers three internship programs. Students can earn credit toward the major via these programs: the Capitol Hill Internship Program, the Public Policy Internship Program, and the Maryland Internship Program and additionally both the Federal and Global Semester Programs. For more information on the eligibility requirements and how credit is earned through the GVPT internship programs, please visit the following link:
GVPT Internship Programs
For more information about the Federal Semester and Global Semester Programs:
Federal Semester Program
Global Semester Program
If for any reason, a student does not qualify for the above programs, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers an internship program:
BSOS Internships
The English department offers the Maryland General Assembly Internship Program:
Maryland General Assembly Internship Program
GVPT students have had success finding internships using the following resources:
GVPT Internship Database
Careers 4 Terps
Environmental Protection Agency Internships
White House Internships
Department of State Internships