Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Career Strategy classes offered by the UCC for Fall 2020

Please note, the Center will be offering less seats in EDCP108i and PSYC123 due to staff turn over. 
University Career Center coordinated career related courses offered for Fall 2020:
EDCP108I: Academic Transition into Internships (Fall/Spring)–  is a 7-week (half-semester) course recommended for students who have never had an internship and are actively searching for one.  The one-credit, online asynchronous course takes students through key exploratory and preparation activities, including understanding the components of an internship, increasing knowledge about an intended career field, developing a resume and cover letter, and identifying potential internship sites.

PSYC123: The Psychology of Getting Hired (Fall/Spring)– a one-credit online course for sophomores and juniors, it looks at what’s behind the hiring process, applying psychological principles and strategies for landing internships/jobs. 

COMM488I: Communication Portfolio Project; Strategic Interviewing (Fall) - This course introduces students to advanced techniques in interviewing for job opportunities and career progression. This online course focuses on the dynamics of the interview process, the communication theories and best practices behind influence and persuasion, and the communication aptitudes and skills that distinguish top candidates.

UNIV099: Internship Seminar (Summer, Fall, Spring)– a zero-credit course that complements supervised work experiences and assures that these experiences are noted on the student’s transcript.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Neuroscience Information Sessions -- Updated Flyer

All sessions will be conducted online via Zoom. Students may RSVP for an information session through Setmore. For more information, please visit our website.

Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program - *New Deadline*/Application Link 2020

Due to the recent developments amid the virus and campus closing, we are extending our application deadline to Friday, April 17th.

Who we are: The Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program honors the legacy of Howard Peters "Pete" Rawlings, who was a member of the Maryland House of Delegates representing the 40th district for more than two decades. The Rawlings Program provides students the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Delegate Rawlings and develop as a champion for those marginalized in leadership and decision-making processes. Working with faculty, alumni and local leaders, students will develop the skills and resources to take on leadership roles during the program and beyond, and understand the importance of cultural pluralism and advocacy to elevate unheard voices. The Program combines mentorship, engagements with expert faculty and public leaders, and hands-on experiences working in the community to realize your commitment to develop as an ethical leader. 

Link to the application (Now an E-form): https://spp.umd.edu/rawlings

Any questions can be directed to Alicia Quiñones at aliciaq@terpmail.umd.edu or Jeremy Schmidt at Jschmid7@terpmail.umd.edu

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

START Summer 2020 Internship Program -- Now Accepting Applications



Final Application Deadline: March 29, 2020
Program Begins: June 1, 2020

Contribute to research through cutting edge theories and methods.
Hone and develop a range of transferable skills attractive to future employers.
Deepen your knowledge of current issues in terrorism and homeland security.
Work with and meet other students and researchers with similar interests.
Professional experience in the counterterrorism/ national security field.
Enrichment activities offering wide opportunities for learning and personal growth.
Communications or Multimedia
Cultural Assessment of Nuclear Intentions of Over-the-Horizon Countries
Geo-profiling Risk Assessment in the United States
Global Terrorism Database (GTD)
International Communication and Negotiation Simulations Project (ICONS)
Sociopolitical Narratives and Emotions in Eastern European Social Media
State Department/START
Unconventional Weapons and Technology (UWT) Advanced Research
Understanding Domestic Radicalization

Click here for more information and application forms
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism

University of Maryland, College Park
301.405.6600 | internships@start.umd.edu

Copyright © 2019 The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). All rights reserved.

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Intelligence Community 2020 Virtual Career Fair- March 25

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
1:00pm - 7:00pm

If you do it, we need it. Science and technology. Business and mathematics. Foreign language and human resources.
 The United States Intelligence Community (IC) employs thousands of professionals in a wide variety of occupations. 
And we are currently looking for qualified candidates to fill key openings.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, you can meet representatives from ten U.S. intelligence agencies during the 2020 Spring Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair. Reserve your spot today! 
From the comfort of your computer or mobile device, you can:
  • Visit agency booths to explore available job opportunities
  • Chat with recruiters and subject matter experts
  • Learn about internships and other student opportunities
Who will be there?

Paid Summer 2020 Internship with West End Strategy Team

Location: Washington, D.C.
West End Strategy Team is currently accepting applications for paid full-time internship positions for the summer of 2020.* WEST is a full-service strategic communications firm, offering clients a comprehensive approach that includes message development, media relations, online strategy, marketing and crisis communications.
WEST works with organizations seeking to enhance their influence on issues including social and economic justice, human rights, civil rights, faith-based advocacy and sustainability. What drives WEST is the fact that our work touches the lives of real people – women and children, racial and religious minorities, people affected by gun violence, immigrants, working families and so many others.
Interns have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working closely with progressive, nonprofit and international organizations in a professional setting. Responsibilities include writing and editing materials for distribution to the media, drafting opinion pieces, developing social media content, researching client organizations and their issue areas, researching target journalists and compiling media lists, conducting media outreach, aggregating news content and various clerical duties. Through this experience, interns will cultivate a working knowledge of highly relevant political and advocacy organizations, the major issues of the day and the media.
Interns are required to commit to a full-time schedule, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., in the Washington, D.C. office from May through August 2020.* Each application must include the following: resume, cover letter and writing sample. Submit the application at https://westendstrategy.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=34. Only complete applications will be considered. No phone calls, please.
West End Strategy Team is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages applications from people of color, persons with disabilities, women, and LGBT applicants.
* While this internship is intended to be located in our Washington, DC office, if the ongoing coronavirus outbreak makes that impossible, WEST will offer options for interns to work remotely during the summer semester to ensure the safety of our staff and interns. All interviews will be conducted remotely.

Monday, March 23, 2020

GVPT 309X/ISRL 349X Conflict Resolution The Israeli Palestinian Experiment- THIS SUMMER

Undergraduate Research Day 2020 - Moving to DRUM Platform



To comply with University-wide guidance about minimizing large-gathering infectious disease risks for our students, faculty, and staff, we are moving this year's Undergraduate Research Day poster exhibition to the DRUM (Digital Repository at the University of Maryland) online platform. **We will not host our traditional in-person event at the Stamp Grand Ballroom this year, but will return to this venue in 2021.**

A service of the University of Maryland University Libraries, DRUM collects, preserves, and provides public access to the scholarly output of the university. Faculty and student researchers can upload research products for rapid dissemination, global visibility and impact, and long-term preservation.

DEADLINE : The deadline to submit a poster proposal for this year's DRUM-based Undergraduate Research Day is extended to Friday, April 17, 2020Submitting a poster proposal is free and easy - just use the online registration system on the MCUR website at http://www.ugresearch.umd.edu/current-ugresearchday.html

Students will receive instructions for uploading their poster and supporting information to the Undergraduate Research Day DRUM community site by Monday, April 20, 2020.

Deadline to submit your proposal: Friday, April 17, 2020

The Researchers of the Year Award presentation that normally opens our URD poster exhibition will take place, rescheduled and relocated in a manner consistent with University guidance. Profiles of our awardees will be made available on the MCUR website by Friday, April 24, 2020.

We ask that faculty and administrators contact us at ugresearch@umd.edu with any questions.

SLAO Fall 2020 Intern and Student Advocate Application Available

ACES Minor and Scholarship for Service Program -DEADLINE EXTENDED

UPDATE: Due to the impact of COVID-19, UMD campus has moved to online instruction only. ACES Minor and SFS Application deadline has been  EXTENDED TO MARCH 23, 2020

The ACES Minor and the CyberCorps:Scholarship for Service (SFS) have opened applications for the Fall 2020 semester.

ACES Minor students will gain practical skills in cybersecurity through technical and non-technical coursework, group projects, internships and research opportunities.

The CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, seeks to address cybersecurity education and workforce development. In partnership with the National Science Foundation, ACES provides scholarships for students, who will then go on to work for Federal, State, Local or Tribal government organizations.

Students can submit the application via the ACES website at aces.umd.edu. Applications are due March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

GVPT Summer 2020 Course Offerings

Vacancies at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

About the Court The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is unique among the thirteen Circuit Courts of Appeal. It has nationwide jurisdiction in a variety of subject areas, including international trade, government contracts, patents, trademarks, certain money claims against the United States government, federal personnel, veterans' benefits, and public safety officers' benefits claims.
Position Overview The Case Manager position is located in the Clerk’s Office and assists with the management and progression of routine appeals cases and related proceedings from opening to final disposition in accordance with prescribed rules, procedures, and internal controls. The incumbent helps to ensure the integrity and quality of case-related databases and provides case related assistance to chambers staff, court staff, counsel, litigants, and the public.  

Gen Ed Summer Course!! GVPT309X / ISRL 349X

Dubin Lecture Invitation: America, Israel and the Age of Constant Cyber Conflict | Tuesday, March 24th, 5 PM

The Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies and the College of Arts and Humanities cordially invite you to their premier annual event: 

The Elizabeth and Richard Dubin Family Lecture on Tuesday, March 24th, 5 PM at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Gildenhorn Recital Hall, University of Maryland, College Park.  This year's distinguished speaker, will be The New York Times renowned journalist, David Sanger who will be speaking on America, Israel and the Age of Constant Cyber Conflict.  

David Sanger is a national security correspondent and a senior writer for The New York Times. He has been on three teams that have won Pulitzer Prizes.  His newest book, "The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage and Fear in the Cyber Age," examines the emergence of cyberconflict as the primary way large and small states competing and undercutting each other, changing the nature of global power. 

There will be a book sale/signing at the event. This event is free and open to the public, so feel free to share.  

For parking  information and to RSVP, visit go.umd.edu/DubinLecture2020 or email Avis Koeiman, akoeiman@umd.edu.

David Sanger.jpg

Monday, March 2, 2020

Maryland Student Legislature Annual Session

It's time! The 31st Annual Session is less than two months away. This year's event will be held April 17-19, 2020 at the State House in Annapolis.
This is the flagship event for MSL, and we're incredibly excited to have you all join us. This event also includes the annual awards gala and the election of Council of State officers for the 2020-21 year.
The universal deadline to submit legislation, registration, and declare Council of State candidacy is April 3rd! http://msl.org/events/register/