Friday, February 10, 2017

National Counter Terrorism Center Hiring Recent Grads - Due Tonight

NCTC is doing more recent grad hiring and the application deadline is tonight at midnight! The application can be found here: 

"Everyone interested in counter terrorism should apply! Even juniors who are graduating in December (degree must be by Jan 1, 2018) because the security process can sometimes take about a year or even longer. Everyone interested should read the resume guidelines on the application and note that you have to put U.S. citizen on your resume! Also, I don't want people to be scared off by the GS-8 minimum like I almost was because I didn't really have "1 year of CT or regional expertise" either. I'd say if you have any potential experiences you could link to international relations or international security then you should apply!"

"Being a couple months in, I want to emphasize that this is not a normal entry-level government job - this is really a two-year career development program that is meant to develop recent grads into a leading professional in the Intelligence Community. The application doesn't mention this fact at all and it's a great program but also something I wish I knew going into it.  "

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