The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is looking for qualified students (advanced undergraduate or graduate) interested in being part-time research assistant interns in the Fall 2017 semester. An intern typically works 12-15 hours a week per scholar. (The number of hours can be adjusted accordingly to fulfill academic requirements).
The priority deadline to apply is July 16, 2017. *We will start matching scholars and interns, but will still accept intern applications after this date.* Internship positions are open until filled so applying early is strongly encouraged. The internship application form and detailed instructions can be found at:
Lawrence (Larry) K. Altman, Medical Writer and ‘The Doctor's World’ Columnist, New York Times. “Reporting on the Health of Presidents and other Political Leaders.”
Guo Chen, Associate Professor of Geography and Global Urban Studies, Michigan State University. “Moving Slums: China’s Hidden Urban Realities and Beyond.”
Zdenek David, Former Librarian, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. “Thomas Masaryk, a Scholar and a Statesman: Philosophical Background of His Political Views.” (German or Czech)
Haleh Esfandiari, Former Director, Middle East Program. Working on a book project about women in Qajar, Iran during the nineteenth century. (Persian)
Oleksandr Fisun, Professor of Political Science, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. “How Ukraine is Ruled: Informal Politics and Neopatrimonial Democracy after the Euromaidan Revolution.”
Kevin Gray, Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex, United Kingdom. “North Korean Reform and the Development-Security Nexus under Kim Jong Un.”
Robert Hathaway, Former Director, Asia Program, Woodrow Wilson Center. “Leverage: Turning Power into Clout.”
Kent Hughes, Former Director, Program on America and the Global Economy, Woodrow Wilson Center. “Economic Statecraft in the 21st Century.”
Amy Holmes, Associate Professor of Sociology, American University in Cairo. “Between Democratic Autonomy and Authoritarianism: The Political Ambitions of PYD-aligned Kurdish Militias in Syria and Iraq.”
Stephen Kaplan, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, The George Washington University. “The Political Economy of Chinese Finance in Latin America.”
Aynne Kokas, Assistant Professor of Media Studies, University of Virginia. “Networked Chinawood Media, Cybersecurity and the Restrictions of Connectivity.” (Mandarin Chinese)
Akira Kurosaki, Associate Professor of International Relations, Fukushima University, Japan. “The Politics of Nuclear Energy and Non-Proliferation in Japan-U.S. Relations in the 1950s and 1960s: A Case Study of Bilateral Nuclear Cooperation and its Impact on Nuclear Proliferation.”
Steve Lagerfeld, Former Editor, the Wilson Quarterly. “The Art of Contrarian Thinking.”
Lauri Mӓlksoo, Professor of International Law, University of Tartu, Estonia. “Does Russia Have a Unique Concept of Jus ad Bellum in the Context of International Law?”
Xolela Mangcu, Professor of Sociology, University of Cape Town, South Africa. “Nelson Mandela: A Biography.”
Hajimu Masuda, Assistant Professor of Modern Japanese History, National University of Singapore. “After the Occupation: The Rise of Grassroots Conservatism in Postwar Japan.”
Kevin Middlebrook, Professor of Latin American Politics, Institute of the Americas, University College London. “The International Defense of Labor Rights: The North American
Agreement on Labor Cooperation in Comparative Perspective.”
William B. Milam, Former Senior US Diplomat and US Ambassador in both West Africa and South Asia. “Post-Musharraf Pakistan and Back to Square One in Bangladesh.”
Neeti Nair, Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia. “Blasphemy: A South Asian History.” (Bengali or Urdu)
Diana Negroponte, Non-resident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution. “Reviewing the History of the End of the Cold War.” (German or Russian)
David Ottaway, Former Washington Post Correspondent. “A Reporter’s Rediscovery of Stories Covered and Countries Lived in Over a 35 Year Career at the Washington Post.” (Arabic)
Marina Ottaway, Former Senior Research Associate and Head of the Middle East Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Working on the countries of the Arab Spring and Iraq. (Arabic or French)
Marvin Ott, Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University; Former Professor of National Security Policy, National War College and Deputy Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. “Malaysian Foreign and Security Policy” and “Issues in Southeast Asian Security.”
Elizabeth Stanley, Associate Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University. “Techno-Blinders: How our Techno-Centric Security System Endangers U.S. National Security and What to Do About It.”
Philippa Strum, Former Director, Division of United States Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center. “Why Americans Get to Talk so Much: Speech Jurisprudence in the United States.”
Jeffrey Taliaferro, Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University. “The Best of Frenemies: Politics of Intra-Alliance Coercion in U.S. Foreign Policy.”
Alexander Thurston, Assistant Professor of Teaching, African Studies Program, Georgetown University. “Jihadism in Northwest Africa: Doctrines, Debates, and Politics.” (French or Arabic)
Earl Anthony Wayne, Former Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Argentina, and Mexico. “Deepening North American Economic Integration.”
Samuel Wells, Former Associate Director, Woodrow Wilson Center; Former Director, West European Studies Program, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. “The Worst Case: Korea and U.S. Escalation of the Cold War.” (Russian, Mandarin Chinese, or Korean)
Robin Wright, Former Washington Post Journalist. "The Middle East at a Crossroads—from North Africa to the Persian Gulf.” (Arabic or Persian).
Irene Wu, Senior Analyst, Federal Communications Commission. “Measuring Soft Power.”